So I have a new running partner - Courtney:) On the last few runs, she announced she wanted to run with me. In all fairness, this just didn't seem plausible - because although I may not be fast and furious on a run, I can at least outrun and outdistance a 5 year old. So we made a compromise. I will still push the dreaded jogging stroller for our daily run, however, Courtney will get out and run as she sees fit and then hop back into the stroller when she gets tired. So far so good as it only takes a second for her to hop in or hop out and I can jog in place while she is making the transition! The looks I get by the people passing by us as we run together are priceless!
Today, Courtney added a twist - she decided she wanted to take her bike. This was immediately vetoed as I didn't want to add any additional time or effort on this 4 mile run when she got tired and we would need to either 1) bring her bike home or 2) I needed to push her bike and the stroller with her in it while bringing the bike home:) So, again we came up with a compromise. She agreed that her scooter would do as a good alternate to her bike. I have a spot in the jogging stroller where we can store the scooter when not in use. Now the problem - breaking the scooter down to fit in the stroller requires that I stop running for a few seconds. The problem isn't that I have to stop running - but that I have to start running again after I get the scooter broke down and stored:) Fortunately, this morning we only had to break the scooter down twice as she was very content the rest of the time listening to Justin Beiber and singing to all who would listen (mostly birds, rabbits and lizards - with the occassional bike rider)! This just might work.
So today's run went well:) I have moved from tracking time to now tracking distance. I have mapped out a good 4 mile run that I am now going to do 5-6 days a week (fingers crossed). I will not share how long it took me today to run these 4 miles because it is just sad (in fairness I did have to stop three times (twice to break down scooter and once to set up scooter)! But at least I finished and even had moments of running bliss:) 4 miles closer to becoming one of those runners that we all hate because they run with a smile and take their running shoes with them everywhere so they never have to be without their runners high. Can't wait:)
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