Welcome to My Blog!

We are the Becks and truly are loving life one day at a time. Although I hope to use this blog to record our daily (or weekly/monthly) memories - I hope those of you who view this blog get some enjoyment out of it.

My goal is to every day follow the counsel in these words:

"Let us from this day forward be a little better, love one another a little more, treat one another with greater kindness and look to God and live." Gordon B. Hinckley

Christmas 2008

December 20, 2009

Christmas Angel has returned!

Christmas Angel has been located. Apparently, some of Santa's elves and reindeer have been very ill. Santa requested the help of the Christmas Angels to get the Northpole back on track. All is well now, with reindeer and elves fully recovered and Santa almost ready for Christmas Eve. The Christmas Angel brought Courtney a fun painting project (will post pics once finished). Courtney was thrilled the Angel finally returned.

December 17, 2009

Oh my Goodness What Happened????

I just don't know what happened. The Christmas Angel has gone AWOL, I am behind on blogging, and I am not sure I even know what day it is. Oh wait.....It's Christmas time!!!! Lots of presents to wrap (only a few to still get), a Christmas Angel to locate, Christmas cards that have not made it out yet again (maybe they will be Happy New Year cards), and a lot of pumpkin bread to still make. Dance recital today - school program tomorrow - family fun, caroling and lots of lights to see. Oh and lots not forget - pictures to post on the blog (just not tonight). Life is going to be filled to the brim and I wouldn't change a second. I love this time of year!!!

December 13, 2009

Weekend Catch-Up

What a great weekend (except for missing our Mighty Hunter).

Friday 12/11: Courtney had a movie playdate scheduled to see Princess and the Frog with some of the girls from her class. I thought the movie was cute - Courtney thought it was "so boring, mom"! I think she was just tired. Note before and after pics:)

Before movie:

After movie:

The other girls seemed to like it.

Richelle and Aliya came over for a sleepover after the Movie! Fun Fun. We thought about cricuting but instead watched hours of Say Yes to the Dress!

Saturday 12/12: Fun afternoon getting to luncheon with Grandma, mom and Richelle. Grandma had her hair done. She looked Gorgeous dahling!

Sunday: Great day at church but we really are missing our daddy. Fortunately he is coming home! Amy came over and the girls built a pretty large blanket fort in Court's room. Not a bad fort for the size of the room....

Catching Up

Here is my catch up over a few days

Monday 12/7: Fun day hanging out with Shannon Mecham making the pocket phone list for Relief Society and getting all the food for our Relief Society Social. I will say that I almost slit my wrists at 2am when I couldn't get the format to work for the phone lists. Slept for 3 1/2 hours and finally got it. Shannon was a trouper hanging out with me at Office Max while we copied and assembled. Than we were off to Costco to buy the appetizers and desserts. It was fun. Thanks to Alison for letting Courtney play so she didn't have to run around with us.

Tuesday 12/8: Courtney had a great time playing with Carley. Paula gave us their trampoline and the girls had a great time:)

Tuesday Night - The Relief Society Social was wonderful. Debbie Andrews' home was beautiful and the food was great (we didn't run out!). The music was fabulous and we collected a lot of cookies for our troups! What great sisters we have in our ward!

Wednesday 12/09- So much fun hanging out with Alison in the morning - who helped me get motivated to go to DI.

Thursday 12/10- Super fun busy busy day. Richelle came up and I finally unboxed my shiny red Cricut I bought on black friday. It is so fun! We played and played. Then took Courtney to dance class. After dance class we made our selves sick on all you can eat Pizza. Because if I am going to pay $3.99 for all you can.....I am all you can eating! Sad yes Sad.

Thursday night we had our ward's Souper Saturday Craft Make-up. Courtney and Richelle helped and we ended up having some more fun!
Aunt Richelle and Courtney

Shannon Mecham and Courtney

Late night but more fun than I thought

Having Fun Playing

Finally have a few photos loaded and having fun finding new ways to make my blog do what I think I want it to do. This really can take up far too much time and I should really go to bed.

December 9, 2009

Day Recap

Last night was our Relief Socity Christmas Social at Debbie Andrew's home. It was absolutely beautiful. Shannon Mecham did such a great job arranging the muscial numbers and putting everything together. The Andrew's home was beautiful, as usual, with incredible Christmas decorations. A great way to get into the Christmas spirit.

Courtney spent part of the evening at the Doherty's since Chris was flying home from Vegas. I picked her up (with the help of dear sweet Donna Callahan since my car was blocked in) towards the end of the party and she was excited to get to go to the party. However, her patience ran out and she was so ready to go before I had a chance to help much cleaning up.

Today, after school Courtney and I went to get our oil changed and do some window shopping at Target. Courtney pointed out all the things she wanted on a list for Christmas. Although the list is a little long, I was impressed that she seemed to think through what she wanted on the list and didn't just say she wanted everything.

On our way home, Courtney was so cute. She rolled down her window and yelled out to all the people over and over...."Merry Christmas Everyone." It was really really cute.

Daddy is Back!

Chris is back after having to travel to Vegas for business. Courtney has had a few hard days missing her daddy. Yesterday, she started to cry while playing at Carly's house because she missed him so much. I don't know what we are going to do when he leaves for his hunting trip. Vegas was only 2 days - his hunting trip is 4 days. When Chris talked to her about leaving again for his hunting trip she started to cry. So sad - but sweet.

Christmas Angel - Days 8 & 9

Day 8 - Courtney fell asleep before she got a chance to see what the Christmas Angel had in store for day 8. She did it on day 9 - however here is what the Christmas Angel prepared for day 8. Courtney was asked to get her Book of Mormon and read Alma 7: 9-10. The Christmas Angel said she liked this scripture because it taught a little bit more about our Savior's mother, Mary. This Christmas Angel left Courtney a few activities from the Friend.

Day 9 - Since the Christmas Angel knew that Courtney was doing two days in one, she wanted to keep things easy. She asked Courtney to practice her poem for her school play and left her a fun Christmas Book.

What will the Christmas Angel do next????

December 8, 2009

Christmas Angel Days 4-7

Day 4 - the Christmas Angel brought Courtney a large Candy Cane filled with Reeses Pieces. The Angel also brought Courtney the story of the Candy Cane and how it was made to be a witness of Christ.

Day 5 - the Christmas Angel brought Courtney some Christmas coloring pages and an activity page. Courtney was very excited the Angel knew Courtney had gone to our ward Christmas Party and had seen Santa.

Day 6 - the Christmas Angel asked Courtney to get her Book of Mormon and read 2 Nephi 19:6. The Christmas Angel said she chose this scripture to help Courtney learn about some of the names Jesus would be known by. The Christmas Angel also brought Courtney a few Candy Canes and asked her if she could remember how it was made to remind us of Jesus.

Day 7 - the Christmas Angel asked Courtney to read Matthew 2:7-11 from the New Testament. This scripture focused on the wise men and how excited they were to find and see baby Jesus. The Christmas Angel brought Courtney some chocolate "Gold" coins to symbolize the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus. The Christmas Angel asked Courtney what gift she could give to Jesus and we thought a good one would be to make good choices!

December 3, 2009

Wow - Look at me Keeping Up With the Blog!

I can't believe this....I am actually keeping a blog going. Richelle, you were right. This is more fun than I thought it would be.

Today was super busy with lots to do - the most important being Family Picture Day. We have used JCPenney for the last few years and have been, suprisingly, very pleased with the results. Typically we are there for a very long time (over an hour) just picking out what pictures we want and how many of each pose we are going to get. Our picture bill is normally pretty expensive and we always end up with pictures we don't use! Just too many choices. However, this year the trend changed. There were only a couple of pictures that we liked. Jenny (the photographer) was very nice and super sweet but I think she was overworked, tired, and maybe a little sick and I started to get a little worried as I began looking through the final pictures that we weren't going to get any shots - but she delivered and we ended up with a couple of good shots and we were out the door quick and easy and without a lot of pain in the checkbook. Thank you Jenny.

The Christmas Angel - Day 3

Day three of the Christmas Angel and we were so excited to see what he brought Courtney tonight. Today was very special. The Angel brought a purple star for Courtney to hang at the top of her Christmas tree. The Angel wanted to make sure Courtney would remember why the star is so important to Christmas and how it lead the way to baby Jesus.

The Christmas Angel asked Courtney to get her Book of Mormon and read Helaman 14:2-5 to learn even more about the star. Daddy helped Courtney read this scripture passage.

Courtney did a great job practing her school Christmas program. The Christmas Angel told Courtney how much all the angels love to hear her practicing her poem. Mommy and Courtney ended the evening playing a round of Nativity Cards. Another very special evening counting down to Christmas.

December 2, 2009

The Christmas Angel - Day 2

We have a beautiful Nativity Advent Calendar Grandma Cheri bought for Courtney a few years ago. The Christmas Angel makes an appearance beginning December 1st through Christmas Day. Each day, the Christmas Angel places a little note behind the appropriate day's door with instructions for an activity, etc. to do that evening. Day one instructed Courtney to choose and read a Christmas story. Day two held a sweet note to look on her little white Christmas tree for a red stocking which held a Nativity Card game. The Christmas Angel also asked her to practice her Christmas poem for her school Christmas program (which will be Dec 18).

We love the Christmas Angel and can't wait to see what they bring for us tomorrow!

The Christmas Tree

Courtney and I finally got to decorate the tree yesterday. It took a little while to get the decorations down and ready --- and then Stephanie needed some help with her homework --- so poor Courtney had used up all her patience by the time we finally got started on the tree. Once we did she was really ready to go....for about 30 minutes. After that, she lost interest and left me to finish decorating the tree by myself. She did come in every now and then to check on me and comment on my ornament placement for which I am grateful. Always good to have a critical eye when decorating the tree. Chris was very happy that ribbon and beads were left off the tree this year.

Courtney also has a little white Christmas tree that is all her own this year. We finally found a mutually acceptable spot for the tree (Courtney is very picky) and so her and I were finally able to put the decorations on that tree tonight. She is very pleased with both trees and is convinced we have the most beautiful trees in the whole world. I know better - but am happy she thinks they are best!